Hon Dr Yakubu Tor-Agbidye: The Most Outstanding Personality Of The Year 2024       

Hon Dr Yakubu Tor-Agbidye

It is no easy task for a personality of the year, not to talk of the most outstanding personality of the year to be chosen out of a bevy of political leaders, seasoned technocrats, eminent statesmen or corporate titans as many are duly qualified for that appellation as a result of their immeasurable contributions to the growth, development, stability and progress of the Nigerian society in all positive ramifications. However, out of many, one must be chosen and the criteria utilised for this selection is the time-worn ethos of Character, Integrity, Hardwork, Principle, Competence, Erudity and Sagacity which Hon Yakubu Tor-Agbidye, Phd, Msc, MBA, Bsc, the trailblazing political titan, consummate administrator and grassroots emancipator who bagged the auspicious honour of  the Most Outstanding Personality  Of The Year 2024 possesses in abundance given the fact that he is one political leader who can be taken literally for his words. Hon Dr Tor-Agbidye’s words as the proverbial saying goes can be taken to the bank, he means what he says and he stands by his words come rain, come shine.

However, a bold reformer like Dr Yakubu Tor-Agbidye will definitely have adversaries, naysayers and ardent opponents who are hellbent on distracting and even derailing his populist project to take his people to the next level in the crucial scheme of things.

In this regard, those forces of reaction may have binded together to deter his political ambitions fearing that Dr Tor-Agbidye, the grassroots emancipator par excellence is on an irreversible path to demarginalise the people and jumpstart a social and moral rejuvenation that would threaten the ramparts of the oppressive cabal.

However, despite the shenanigans of the ‘powers that be’,  a resolute Dr Yakubu Tor-Agbidye is not deterred from his historic mission and continues to plod diligently and relentlessly in his pursuit of the overall welfare of the denizens of society not caring whose ox is gored in the process. 

Undoubtedly, Hon Tor-Agbidye is an indefatigable political activist and irrepressible tribune of the marginalized, the distressed and dispossessed of society who has traversed the political, professional and public service realms of the nation thus emerging as a moral, proactive and benevolent force for the advancement of society in all positive ramifications. Having risen to the highest levels of academic, administrative and professional attainment as pioneer Head of Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University, Wukari, Dr Tor-Agbidye knows his onions to the letter.

Indeed, his visionary, creative, dynamic and resourceful leadership persona does not suffer fools gladly for long.

The surefooted political titan is not known for careless talk or idle chatter as is common with some in the political class but once he speaks, he resonates with clear authority, clarity, brevity and matchless lucidity. Hon Tor-Agbidye’s statements on policy issues and crucial matters of the day are geared towards illuminating, dissecting and resolving complex and contentious issues of national, regional and international implications. 

As a staunch advocate of peace, unity and tolerance, Dr Tor-Agbidye has gone the extra mile in calling for a more balanced approach in tackling the ongoing inter-communal crises in parts of Taraba State including the southern zone where the Tivs and Jukuns have been engaged in violent clashes that have claimed the lives of many innocent souls over the years.

While hailing the dynamic Executive Governor of Taraba State, His Excellency, Dr Agbu Kefas for taking the bull by the horns to address the volatile situation,  Dr Tor-Agbidye maintained that more ground needs to be covered before normalcy can return to the troubled communities: ‘On the recurring inter-communal crises, l have been looking forward to having a one-on-one meeting with our amiable governor particularly to raise the concerns of the Tiv people on those who have been displaced in lDP camps since 1st of April 2019, which includes many Tivs and other Taraba indigenes. We are concerned for all Tarabans in IDP camps and our wish is that they should be able and be allowed to go back to their homes to continue with their farming activities. lt is not right in this era of high food prices, for farmers to be displaced with nowhere to go and farm, further escalating the soaring costs of food prices.

So, l am making this solemn appeal to Governor Agbu Kefas on behalf of the Tiv people who are displaced in lDP camps and also urging the state government to curb the practice of herdsmen herding their cows to farms to eat up food and cash crops. This leads to the destruction of crops and formenting of crisis here and there. The government should introduce the modern system of cattle ranching were cattle are reared in an enclosed place for better beef products and secure food and cash crops’.

The revered Tiv prince has royal blue blood running in his veins thus he has the inherent personality, confidence, courage, charisma and imbued gravitas to take his beloved people to greater heights in the crucial scheme of things.

Calm, comported, articulate, cerebral and sophisticated in all material particulars, a versatile Hon Dr Tor-Agbidye has seen it all having traversed the various continents in the world thus he has the wealth of knowledge, brevity of experience, professional savvy, academic vigour and intellectual sagacity required to take his people to the highest levels possible in all human and material dimensions.

Fittingly, the result-oriented populist leader has signposted his consensus-driven approach which places great score on extensive consultation and intensive deliberation on issues and matters that directly impacts on the welfare and well-being of his people. The administrative paragon has led inexorably by example and not by precept; many of his peers and subordinates have in due time emulated his laudable character disposition which borders on trust, integrity and steadfastness. At every point in time, you know where you stand with the erudite philanthropist, he is forthright, confident, unassuming, charismatic and compassionate in all material particulars.

Indeed, his singular purpose of wading into partisan politics is to uplift the welfare and well-being of his hardworking people and thus Hon Dr Tor-Agbidye relentlessly burns the midnight oil and networks incessantly to fashion out the most practicable means of delivering crucial dividends of democracy to them. For instance, a compassionate Hon Tor-Agbidye has installed solar street lights to in two educational institutions, the LGEA Primary School and Government Day Secondary School all at Tor-Damisa as part of his grassroots development agenda.

From far and near, Hon Tor-Agbidye’s private and official residences are a mecca for countless citizens, youths, professionals, artisans, market women, political activists and persons from all works of life keen on benefiting from the the dynamic statesman’s deep well of wisdom. 

One of the potent reasons for the extremely high regard in which Hon Dr Tor-Agbidye is held among his peers is his unequalled reputation as an epitome of rectitude and integrity, a standard bearer of truth, respect and honour who does not engage in rumour or meddlesome hearsay.

Indeed, all these sterling character traits and dispositional ethos came in to focus when a cross-section of blue chip think tanks, influential apparatchiks, civil society groups, social affairs commentariats, public policy gurus and the media punditocracy under the aegis of the National lnterest Forum overwhelmingly and unanimously selected Hon Dr Yakubu Tor-Agbidye as the Most Outstanding Personality Of The Year 2024.  To God be the Glory.



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