Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (Rtd) is The Most Outstanding Personality of The Year 2024 For His Exemplary Valour, Courage, Foresight, Resilience and Patriotism.

Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (Rtd)

It is no easy task for a personality of the year, not to talk of the most outstanding personality of the year to be chosen out of a bevy of political leaders, top military commanders, seasoned technocrats, eminent statesmen and corporate titans as many are duly qualified for that appellation as a result of their immeasurable contributions to the growth, development, stability and progress of the Nigerian society in all positive ramifications. However, out of many, one must be chosen, and the criteria utilised for this selection is the time-worn ethos of Character, Integrity, Hardwork, Valour, Courage, Principle, Competence, Patriotism, Resilience, Erudity, Tenacity and Sagacity which Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (rtd), the famed military supremo, much decorated commanding officer, intrepid strategic thinker and former Joint Task Force (JTF)  Commander of  ‘Operation Delta Safe’ (2016–2019) who bagged the auspicious honour of the Most Outstanding Personality Of The Year 2024 possesses in abundance given the fact that he is one military leader who can be taken literally for his words.

Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi’s words as the proverbial saying goes can be taken to the bank, he means what he says, and he stands by his words come rain, come shine.

Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (Rtd)

During his epochal tenure as JTF supremo, all and sundry witnessed a sharp increase in Nigeria’s oil and gas production to record highs as Rear Admiral Akpochi skilfully, tactically and masterfully dismantled, degraded and destroyed the criminal networks of assorted oil thieves, illegal refiners and oil pipeline vandals operating in the Niger Delta.

Indeed, as JTF helmsman in charge of anti-oil theft operations, a stalwart Rear Admiral Akpochi Samuel patrolled the nooks and crannies of the Niger Delta’s inland waterways, creeks and the adjoining Atlantic Coast rooting out criminal gangs and pipeline vandals wherever they may be ensconced and his rules of engagement was uncompromising as it was thoroughgoing, any intercepted vessel found to be engaged in illegal bunkering was sunk immediately while armed militants were summarily neutralized, no more, no less.

Rear Admiral Suleiman's testimony during a House Committee on Oil Theft public hearing in July 2024
Rear Admiral Suleiman’s testimony during a House Committee on Oil Theft public hearing in July 2024

According to a resolute Rear Admiral Suleiman’s testimony during a House Committee on Oil Theft public hearing in July 2024: ‘With all these factors in mind, during my stint as JTF commander, we were able to drastically curtail oil theft, illegal oil refining and vandalisation of pipelines because we adopted a tough take no prisoners approach to tackling the multi-faceted challenges as they reared their ugly heads. All those who were saying we should arrest and not destroy the illegal bunkering vessels were merely joking as far as l was concerned. I destroyed all the arrested vessels and sank them immediately as that was the mandate given to me to destroy the vessels in situ, to break the value chain completely.

During the period under review, illegal bunkerers used firearms to protect their illegal bunkering sites. Our troops were attacked on several occasions by the militants, resulting in some killed in action and their weapons carted away. Thus, we equally applied kinetic means to take them out and l never took any armed persons prisoner, they were neutralised summarily. During these operations, the JTF Headquarters visited all joint areas and patrolled almost all the creeks in the Niger Delta. I didn’t leave my men to patrol for me, l led the patrol of all the Niger Delta creeks’ – Rear Admiral Akpochi stated.

Having sent the assorted oil thieves and their nefarious collaborators scampering for cover while raising Nigeria’s oil and gas production to optimal levels compared to previously dismal numbers, a perceptive Rear Admiral Akpochi stated that a multipronged approach needs to be adopted in dealing with the three groups involved in oil theft while stating boldly that he can do the job if called upon once again to perform: ‘First of all, l want to state categorically that there is no way crude oil could get stolen from the nation’s export pipeline without the collaboration of these three groups, operators of oil wells, security agents and sponsors of oil theft. The pressure of flow on the lines is usually very high, and nobody can afford to take crude illegally from the pipelines when there is crude on the line. It can only happen when there is no crude and only one set of persons will be aware when the pipeline is dry.

What that means is that those who operate the lines are working with the sponsors of these criminal gangs to steal our crude, and these are people who are well known.  As far as it is a Nigerian matter, l can do the job if called upon to do so, even though l am a retired commanding officer. If l am called upon to midwife or to ensure that oil theft is stopped and l am empowered to do so.

By empowerment l am not just talking of money alone but putting the proper policies in place.

With that, l will stop oil theft completely. I am above 60 yrs of age, l am not afraid of any cabal.  So l have drastically curbed oil theft and pipeline vandalisation in the past, and l stand ready to do so if called upon again in any such capacity.’ – a forthright Rear Admiral Akpochi affirmed. 

With all the above sterling testimonials to the unvarnished professionalism, technical competence, exemplary performance and outstanding achievements of Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (rtd) during his glorious deployment as JTF helmsman, it is of little wonder that millions of well-meaning Nigerians both within and outside the Niger Delta are fervently calling on the administration of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu to approve the urgent appointment of Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (rtd) as Supreme Commander to oversee the anti-oil theft operations of the Joint Task Force on illegal Oil Bunkering  (JTF) in the entire Niger Delta region so as to end the illegal bunkering scourge once and for all.

Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (Rtd)

Undoubtedly, the tough, uncompromising and utterly dedicated Rear Admiral Akpochi Suleiman is the right man for the right job at the right time. He has done it before, and he can do it once again.

Since he left his epochal deployment as JTF Commander of ‘Operation Delta Safe’, things have gone back to where they once were, if not worse. He is fearless, he is ruthless, he takes no armed prisoners, and thus he has struck fear in the hearts of the oil thieves cabal who knows that there is no hiding place for them when Rear Admiral Akpochi Suleiman is around.

The stern, uncompromising and surefooted military titan is not known for careless talk or idle chatter as is common with some in the public service arena, but once he speaks, he resonates with clear authority, clarity, brevity and matchless lucidity. 

Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi’s statements on policy issues and crucial matters of the day are geared towards illuminating, dissecting and resolving complex and contentious issues of national, regional and international implications. He has the strength of character, force of conviction, sincerity of purpose and fervent commitment to principle and rectitude to deliver on his security mandate, not caring whose ox is gored in the process.

The military intel paragon has led inexorably by example and not by precept; many of his peers and subordinates have in due time emulated his laudable character disposition which borders on trust, integrity and steadfastness.

At every point in time, you know where you stand with the erudite security czar, he is forthright, confident, unassuming, charismatic and compassionate in all material particulars. 

One of the potent reasons for the extremely high regard in which Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (rtd)  is held among his then superiors, peers and subordinates is his unequalled reputation as an epitome of rectitude and integrity, a standard-bearer of truth, respect and honour; coupled with his uncommon valour, irrepressible courage, exemplary patriotism, unflinching dedication to duty and unwavering commitment to his fatherland.

Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (Rtd)

Indeed, all these sterling character traits and dispositional ethos came in to focus when a cross-section of blue chip think tanks, influential apparatchiks, civil society groups, social affairs commentariats, public policy gurus and the media punditocracy under the aegis of the National lnterest Forum overwhelmingly and unanimously selected Rear Admiral Suleiman Akpochi (rtd) as the Most Outstanding Personality Of The Year 2024.  To God be the Glory.                  


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